Thursday, November 5, 2009

How To Take An Efficient Mug Shot

So I had to go to the DMV today and get my drivers licence renewed. I had to go partly because I procrastinated and didn't mail the renewal slip in. The other reason is because my previous drivers licence picture slightly resembled a terrorist's mug shot.

So I got up this morning, showered, blew out my hair, applied a sufficient amount of make-up and headed out to take the best drivers licence picture ever!

Side note: Last night I looked up "how to take a great drivers licence photo". I made myself laugh that I actually Googled that, but the amusement I got in the "how to" was way worth it! (Links below.)

So back to the DMV. I circled the city blocks 3 times until I found a meter where I cleaned out all the change in my wallet. (Thanks for leaving me with 3 pennies). I walked in, and this is loosely how it went down.

DMV Man: (As he looked over the person he was helping.) (DMV Man is an obvious mutitasker.) 'What are you here for?'
Me: 'I need to renew my drivers licence'
DMV Man: 'You payin' with a credit card?'
Me: 'Yes'
DMV Man: 'Go sit over there at that computer and when you're done I'll get your picture'

I nodded and sat down at the computer. I filled out the information and constantly struggled over the fact that I couldn't take one last look at my bangs that were once so perfectly swept to the side and now falling in to my face. (Why me! Why a falling bang swoop?! Whhhyyy?)

The computer part took 4 minutes, so I stood up and waited for about 37 seconds until once again I was spoken to...

DMV Man: (Again, he looked over the person he was helping and looked at me.) "Hollis" (Thats my last name.)

I looked up.

DMV Man: 'Come sign this over here'

I signed the electronic signature thing with an unrecognizable signature

DMV Man then looked over me to the Staggering Man who had walked up beside me.

DMV Man: 'What are you here for?' (I'm glad I'm not getting special treatment.)
Staggering Man: I need an I.D.
DMV Man: 'You had a Tennessee I.D. before?'
Staggering Man; 'I have a Kentucky I.D. and a Tennessee I.D.

This is where DMV Man realized Staggering Man was not going to be as compliant  as I was.

(My turn again)

DMV Man: 'Go sit over there' (He pointed to the blank wall and small little blue chair.)

I sat

DMV Man: 'Look in to there' (He pointed at the camera lens.)

I tried to focus.

DMV Man: 'Ok thats it... you'll be done in a minute'

(But, but what about my swoop? My pearly whites??)

Lost cause

I stood up

Again, I waited like 37 seconds.

DMV Man: "Hollis"

I walk up to the counter and he hands me my new licence.

DMV Man: 'You need to cut up your old license'

I nodded ok and said, "thank you".

I walked away taking my first glance at my new licences.

Not too bad, no longer a terrorist's mug shot, just more of a regular mug shot.

I walked back to my car, sigh at the fact that I can't get my change back, that the meter has robbed me of , because this whole thing took eleven and a half minutes...

Happy Birthday to me and thanks to the multitasking DVM Man. Way to run a tight ship. A very tight ship!

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